
Window Contractor in Denver, Colorado

Yes, we do commercial work – large and small.  Our clients include both commercial and residential contractors, developers, and institutions.  Project experience encompasses churches, schools, train depots, and many high-end homes in the Denver/Boulder area.  But they all have one thing in common: Historic value and a design program to protect and enhance the historic integrity of a structure.

As a Window Contractor in Denver, Colorado, we are dedicated to offering reliable and high-quality historic window repairs, restorations, and installations to maintain the value of your historic property.

For a fuller or targeted list of our projects, contact Nancy Lyons.

Lyons Historic Window has been a vital player in numerous rehabilitation projects thanks to our ability to balance historic preservation standards and requirements with the practical limitations of budget and schedule. We have the expertise to promptly review plans and specifications, furnish a clear scope of work, and provide a competitive bid and schedule clearly integrated with the overall project.We take full advantage of online technologies in communicating efficiently with our clients.We use the Construction Information Network (CNS) to download and print project plans and specifications.You will find Lyons Historic Window listed on CNS at

If you are interested in getting a bid, please contact our resident architect, Nancy R. Lyons. You can also send us details regarding your project using our contact form, or if you prefer just send us a link to your plans and specifications.
Below are some FAQ’s that can help you decide if Lyons Historic Windows can help!

Send us your plan and specifications

Estimating is handled by Nancy Lyons, preservation architect, and owner of the company.  We take your deadlines seriously and will get back to you with fully itemized quote and clearly stated scope including pertinent assumptions.

Job walk consult?

Trying to decide which way to go with historic wood windows or doors on a job?   We can bring an expert in who has extensive hands-on experience with all the options to be at your side.

Read more on Consulting Services. 

Historic Hoops to jump through?

We have worked for more than 20 years with, and been referred by, Denver Landmark, Historic Denver, Boulder Landmark, and the Colorado Historical Society.  We know and can help guide you through the current regulations regarding historic properties and districts.  We can also advise regarding historic tax credits, state and federal.

What’s so great about historic windows?

Live interview with Nancy Lyons, March 2016

Nancy – Design for one thing.  The counterweighted double-hung design has been around since the 1700s fro a reason: It’s a damn good design.  Efficient and durable, and the variations are endless. The only part of the operating system that takes off any wear are the sash ropes, and their replacement (every 40 years or so) is built into the design.  The wood, from old-growth forests, and the mortise and tenon joinery is heavy and solid and built to last indefinitely with proper maintenance of the paint finish.

Interviewer- Ahh, who wants to paint all the time?

Nancy – The paint system is what protects all the exterior wood on a historic house (window frames, sills, brick mold, leaves, etc.), and a 5-10 year painting cycle with a good paint contractor is worth every penny.